Hello!! If you stumbled upon this blog then you are probably wondering what the title means. Well, the following is the explanation.
At the end of Stranger Than Fiction (the 2006 film starring Emma Thompson, Will Ferrell, and Dustin Hoffman) Karen Eiffel reads out the last paragraph of her book. This is what she says:
As Harold took a bite of Bavarian sugar cookie,
he finally felt as if everything was going to be ok.
Sometimes, when we lose ourselves in fear and despair,
in routine and constancy, in hopelessness and tragedy,
we can thank God for Bavarian sugar cookies. And,
fortunately, when there aren't any cookies, we can still
find reassurance in a familiar hand on our skin, or a
kind and loving gesture, or subtle encouragement, or
a loving embrace, or an offer of comfort, not to mention
hospital gurneys and nose plugs, an uneaten Danish,
soft-spoken secrets, and Fender Stratocasters, and maybe
the occasional piece of fiction. And we must remember that
all these things, the nuances, the anomalies, the subtleties,
which we assume only accessorize our days, are effective
for a much larger and nobler cause. They are here to save
our lives. I know the idea seems strange, but I also know
that it just so happens to be true. And, so it was, a wristwatch
saved Harold Crick.
As you hopefully noticed, I put in bold the part of the quote that related to this explanation. Ms. Eiffel lists quite a lot of small, seemingly insignificant things that can, in fact, make a huge difference. In the movie, the act that really does cause Harold Crick to get hit by the bus is his watch's death earlier in the movie. What I plan to write about in this blog is the small, seemingly insignificant things I find in life that contain greater meaning.
For my first example, look at the above quote again. You can see that I also put the words 'thank God' in bold. In the quote, this is probably just meant as an expression of simple gratitude (like some might say "Oh, thank goodness"), but we can discover a greater meaning. It is, in fact, true that we can thank our God for those things that Karen Eiffel listed: Bavarian sugar cookies, kind and loving gestures, hospital gurneys, and the occasional piece of fiction. Without these small things in life, living would not be nearly as pleasurable.
Let me know what you think about this, or maybe, what greater meaning you found in this movie!!
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